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Am I an Empath?

Meaning Of Empathy

For those empaths, who feel so deeply, it may come as a surprise that empathy has not always been recognized and nurtured for the beautiful gift that it is.  

The concept of empathy is a recent development.

The origin of the notion of empathy has only been around for a century.  It comes from the German psychological term Einfühlung, which means  “feeling-in.” It also draws on the Greek “em” for “in” and “pathos” for “feeling”.


Empathy is a beautiful and much-needed gift that can be wholeheartedly embraced on earth. It is a gift that can make the world a more peaceful and loving place.

am i an empath

The power of the empath is in the ability to place oneself in a different energetic space, that of another. In this space, one can experience the world from a different perspective. Whether it is as a person, animal or even an object, an empath can experience the inner world of that separate conscious being.

Is this even possible?

Yes, this is possible. This is the basis for the work I do, as well as many other healing professionals.

With some inner work and a bit of guidance, connecting with the elements, different animals, rocks, trees and more, becomes a beautiful experience and an amazing talent.

How does this work?

Everything is energy. Energy transcends time and space. It exists in a different dimension within our reality. 

Because everything has an energy, everything has an inner awareness, a consciousness. This is a state of being within the world. This consciousness differs depending on species, object, person, personality and more.

Once the empath taps into this consciousness, which often happens naturally, then an empath can access different viewpoints of the world.  

By connecting with this different consciousness, you can share emotions, thoughts, sensations and experiences from another source beyond one own physical experience.

This is a deep and magical experience, especially when it is channeled into a space of healing, acceptance and understanding.

Want to try this out for yourself?  This process of connecting with animals is a powerful one. If you have not already tried it, I recommend you do. You can access it here.

The evolution of empathy

I view empathy within a soul’s context of evolution. It is part of the soul’s expansion.

If we look at human evolution, the essence of our progress has been on surviving. We come down to this earth as a newborn soul.  This newborn soul has not much experience in this physical world. He or she needs to learn. what it means to be an empath

To support the learning process, the newborn soul has an internal warning system based on fear.

This newborn soul needs to feel fear to protect and keep him or her safe. To show what is harmful and what is beneficial. 

This newborn soul may govern his or her life around this fear. The fear of pain. The fear of hunger. They fear of lack. They fear of not having shelter. 

Within this fearful space, there is a disconnect from self and a lack of awareness.

But the intention and potential is to create awareness too.

A deep human need is to move away from such an unpleasant space of disconnect.

A deep soul need is to yearn for more. This is driven by our soul’s purpose. It is not staying in fear: it is to master the fear so the soul progression can take place. It can move forward on its’ next step of its’ soul journey.

And so the human species advance. To find shelter. To find safety. To find abundance. To find connection. 

With the progression, there becomes an awareness. A raising of consciousness. 

As our souls evolve, we progress from a space of fear and lower vibrations and into our souls’ language: that our love. Love helps our souls grow.  And so we seek it out: to love and be loved.

This love increases when shared. It is building families, communities and social structures. it is nurturing those connections.

As our soul evolves, relationships become less about fear and survival and more about love. To love, the conscious being you love (human, animal or earth), their needs because as important (not more important) than your own.

To get to this relationship space, of a space not run by fear but of higher vibrations; of love and nurturing, we need empathy.

It is a soul’s evolutionary adaption to be more; to connect more; to attain spiritual connection.

Furthermore, empathy helps us take the next soul step: the move into oneness.

Am I an empath?

Am I an empath is a question mostly empaths wonder.

Empaths, or highly sensitive beings, are attuned to the energy around them deeply. This is why they may feel the following listed below. If you can relate, chances are you are an empath.

Characteristics of an empath

Here are the characteristics of an empath. These 8 points will explore what is an empath person like? See how many points you relate to.

1. Do you feel emotions, sensations or thoughts that are not yours?

Shed and Shift Peaceful Reflections

Do you take on others’ emotions: do you cry, become happy or get angry when others around you are feeling that way. These emotions feel real but they also do not feel like they are yours. They may not be coming from you but may be triggered within you.

Empaths may feel a range of emotions that change quite rapidly.

2. Are you very worried about how people around you are feeling?

Before you speak, criticize or argue with someone, do you think about how it will be perceived and how it will affect the other person. Do you feel concerned about how it will make the person feel? Do you rarely just blurt things out without worrying about consequences?

This is because empaths feel other people’s feelings are important.

3. Do you find it upsetting to be around those in a bad space? 

When you see humans, kids, animals or the earth being mistreated, hurt or abused or even people living in poverty, do you take on their pain? Does it make you feel hurt, angry or upset? Does it make you want to help and alleviate the suffering?

Part of being an empath is not just allowing pain to exist, it is about doing something to change the world around you. No, it is not the empaths’ responsibility. But it is part of the empaths’ gift: the ability to transmute the energy.

4. Are you intuitive?

Empaths are generally very sensitive to the energy around them and therefore are often intuitive and psychic. These are highly sensitive beings and this feeds into a creative side too.

Empaths often have experiences of knowing what people are going to say before they say it. Or knowing when the telephone will ring.

They live a life based on their intuitive feel and can sometimes predict their next steps in their life and it unfolds exactly as they think so.

4. Empaths are genuine

Because empaths are so in tune, they know when people are lying or not being genuine. They have this radar that automatically picks up another’s energy, especially if it is not in the best of intentions.

For this reason, empaths often prefer genuine and loving relationships, sometimes with fewer quality people over less genuine but more people.

5. Empaths are good listeners

Empaths are naturally good at observing and noticing little details. For this reason, they are excellent listeners, easily able to tune into what others around them are really saying. They can mirror the emotions and experiences of humans and animals around them. 

This makes them often deep thinkers.

6. Empaths are introverted.

Because of this constant barrage of others’ feelings, experiences, sensations and more, empaths may feel burnout and fatigued. For this reason, empaths tend to avoid large crowds. This may avoid parties or shopping centers.

They tend to feel more at home doing their own thing. They cherish their alone time and pursue more solitary activities.

7. Empaths are Sensitive

Because empaths are sensitive, they prefer to surround themselves with positivity. When newspapers, tv or news is full of violence or hardship, they tend to get upset. 

Empaths find a disconnect from social media and world events can be better for their energy. Even if it’s briefly.

8. Empaths are attractive

Empaths are easy to be around. They easily transmute energy. They tend to be more genuine and likable. They are naturally compassionate, understanding and often this gentleness attracts people to them.

Empaths are usually the ones the animals and the kids flock to.

9 Empaths are truth seekers

Empaths are truth seekers. They want to find a deeper and genuine meaning in their life. This is why they are open to spirituality and often are searching for a deeper meaning to life and a deeper purpose for themselves.

What it means to be an empath?

Being an empath is a gift. Not only for you. But for the animals, the earth and consciousness as a whole.

The world needs you and your gifts.

The world needs animal shifters. Earth shifters. And conscious shifters.

This gives a feeling of purpose and fulfillment.

But it also gives you a relationship. This is the most precious gift: a relationship with our earth. A relationship with our animals. They have so many beautiful lessons and gifts to share with us.

And it does not always come from doing or making it a full-time job within your life. Rather; it comes from being.

It is all starts with the inner work. With understanding who you are. Understanding what it means to be an empath. Learning the characteristic of an empath.

It is about shedding energetic trauma and what is holding you back.

Shifting through energy healing and finding your inner magic.

And finding energy mastery and oneness with our earth and animals.

Let me guide you on your path to Mastering Your Empathy

The Shedding Package Can Help You Get There

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