Shed and Shift

Benefits of a morning routine

Why is a morning routine important to holistic health?

A morning routine is the most important routine of the day for me.

It has an integral impact on my health. 

Committing to this routine and the energy that I create for this time becomes the basis for what my day looks like and on many levels guides my flow of productivity, centeredness and how my day flows. It is my favourite space to be in. If I miss it, do I know it! My day tends to be out of alignment.

In this blog, I would like to explore why it is so important for your holistic health and some suggestions of what to include in your morning ritual.

Creating a morning routine

The timing of this routine being in the morning is significant and accurately sacred.

We are moving out of sleep, from the place of dreams, healing and many possibilities. During sleep time, we are more connected to source, to our soul, without the blocks of filtering through a subjective mind frame. As you move from one reality to the next, this is the magical energy you are bringing with you.

This energy we would be working with is pure consciousness and is the perfect place to meditate. It’s the ideal way to connect to your intuition.

By turning this into a routine, we learn to ground all this beautiful energy into our physical reality. We can ground ourselves, our ideas and endless possibilities. We wrap this all up into the physical reality of manifestation and action.

The foundations of a morning routine 

Morning rituals are simple.

There are a few foundations to implement before beginning your health-enhancing morning ritual. 

1) Space

The first foundation is to create a space.

This is just an area within one’s home or garden, that can be transformed into a sacred space dedicated solely for the purpose of morning routine or self-development.

It can be a small space such as a corner with a cushion, a desk or a yoga mat. 

2) Commitment

The second foundation is an internal one. It is commitment.

Any journey of transformation requires dedication. This means the same time every morning in the same space. You can be flexible. However, the closer you can keep to this structure, the easier it will be to maintain.

3. Time

The third foundation is about structure.

It is about putting some time aside. It does not have to be a long time. It can be 15 to 30 minutes a day. This is a small portion of your day dedicated to you, to your sacredness, your growth and your success. Considering that we have 1440 minutes in the day, this is not that much.

What is the sacred space for?

Your sacred space is yours and it is great to do anything that just lights you up, promotes your health for mind, body and soul, happiness and fulfilment.

I use this time to ground myself fully, connect to my authentic self and set my intentions to start the day.

It is also a space where I reconnect with mother earth and her beautiful beings and the blessings she has given me.

Ideas to include:


You can sit quietly in a meditative space. Bring yourself into this moment fully of just being. Allow your mind to calm and find inner peace.


You can do some journaling. Journaling is a great way to do some deep reflection. Explore what is going on with you and where you are at.


Dreams are a powerful way to access your soul’s language. You can reflect on dreams or any insights from the night before. You can open to doorway to the subconscious.


Saying prayers is so powerful. You can include traditional prayer, mantras or just reconnect with mother earth.


Exercise is a great way to get the body moving after a restful sleep. It’s a good way to get the body energized and ready to start the day.


Gratitude is the key to bringing many blessings into one’s life including abundance, a positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle.


Setting an intention is a great foundation to achieve your goals. It will keep you focused and promote productivity.


Music is magical. It connects with the soul and allows a beautiful expression. It is a great and relaxing way to start one’s day


Motivational sayings, quotes or inspirational books can be a great beginning to one’s day.

Benefits of a morning routine

The benefits of a morning routine are endless.

1. Goal setting

Finding and maintaining health starts with setting goals. 

Whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health, setting goals can help to define a dream we desire, pinpoint steps to achieve that dream and find the focus to get there.

This contributes to our growth as a person, gives us fulfilment and improves our self-confidence when we achieve them.

2. Productivity

Our days are packed with so many things to do within a limited time.  You may be pulled in many different directions all at once: kids, partner, family, work and other demands.

By having a morning routine, you can focus on what needs to be done with the day, schedule it and improve overall efficiency whilst keeping your self-care and health as a priority too.

3. Stress management

Stress is detrimental to health and well-being.  Yet, it is a state we constantly live in. 

By incorporating a morning routine, we can start our day relaxed, centred and with positive energy. This is the energy we begin our day with and bring to our day. And so,  this is the energy we attract: calmness.

4. Self Awareness

A morning routine can be thought of as arranging a date with yourself. It is time to sit, listen, hold space and get to know who one is and what one wants.

Then it gives you the opportunity to provide yourself with what you need.

Meeting your needs is the key to a fulfilled and healthy life.

4. Habits

Health is not just something that happens. It is something we create. Through consistency and discipline. 

This translates into habits. Once we have healthy habits in our lifestyle, starting with the morning, we can incorporate healthy, positive and mindful habits naturally into our day.

5. Intentions

To reach our health goals, we need a path to follow. This is where intention becomes so important. Intention becomes the motivation to keep us steady along the path to success.

6. Empowerment

There is something so empowering about taking control back for your health. It is not about this diet or that fad or some celebrity who recommends some crazy new scheme.

This is about you. About what feels right for you. It is becoming the person who navigates your life from a place of compassion and power.

7. Connect with the earth

A morning routine is a great way to reconnect with mother earth and her beautiful sustaining energy and her cycles, which is so important as a woman. For men too on a different level.

>8. Flow

When getting into your morning routine, you release stagnant and low vibrational energy.

By doing this, you open up to flow which allows your day to be one of ease. 

9. Love

A morning routine is an act of love. 

We learn to love and accept our goddess within by validating her worth and claiming she is deserving. She s the first aspect of the day that we dedicate our time to.

Benefits of a morning routine

The benefits of a morning routine are incredible.

It offers a beautiful and sacred time. 

It is a time to nurture yourself, enhance your health and live your best life.

It will change your life. 

Give it a go and let me know in the comments below.

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