Shed and Shift

Healing Through Body consciousness

Healing through body consciousness offers powerful and transformative energetic healing modality that offers incredible transformation, not only for physical health but also for emotions, mind and soul on a deeply profound level.

It does this by transversing symptomatic layer after layer so it can access the source of what is causing unhealth. It gets right down to what is important: to the core of what is really going on and causing disease. 

Then it offers healing. It gives a healing plan designed to help you find holistic health for mind, body and soul through aligning deeper with natural and earth-aligned medicine.

Heal at the source

Often when we are presented with a problem, we solve the problem based on what we observe with our senses. 

If we spill a glass of orange juice, we deal with the problem: we clean the spilled orange juice.

Most often this approach works with everyday objects. 

But the body is not an object. It is a consciousness. It is a multi-layer,  complex organism with a constant interplay of mind, body, emotion and soul, all feeding one another and all coming together to form the unique you. 

So, from an object perspective, spilling orange juice can be a normal clumsy thing to do. 

For the sake of this blog, let us say it isn’t.

Sometimes, there is more to spilled orange juice than spilled orange juice. From a body conscious perspective, there are some questions that we can consider.

We can ask ourselves: why did the orange juice spill? Maybe there is a physical reason especially if it is a regular occurrence. Maybe we need to work on muscle strength. Or maybe there is arthritis in the hands. We can explore how to ease these symptoms.

Maybe it is pure clumsiness through being disconnected or experiencing some anxiety. Maybe body consciousness is suggesting a more mindful mindset. Or to ground a bit more. 

Or maybe it has a more energetic message for us: Maybe our higher power is telling us to slow down, take it easy and breathe. Maybe we are overworking ourselves too much and this represents things feeling like they are not contained, spilling over and affecting other areas of one’s life

It is about looking deeper to the core, connecting with consciousness and healing it. 

It is able to heal at the source.

What is body consciousness?

Let us break this up.

Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself.

It is about being alive and experiencing. 

Whereas the definition of the body is the physical structure of a person.

I know this may sound weird, that the body, a physical structure, can be aware?

Im here to tell you: Yes, it can. 

This is the basis of one of the most powerful and ancient healing modalities: naturopathy and natural healing.

Quoting from Hippocrates, the father of medicine: “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well” 

Body Consciousness as a healer

What makes this so beautiful is this: the body wants to live. It wants to thrive. It wants to be pain-free. It wants you to be happy and live your best life. For this time, space and purpose.

Body consciousness healing brings this innate wisdom that the body, a living and energetic force, has into a space where we can understand it.

It taps into this force, into body consciousness energy; into this greater intelligence. It can then connect with the wisdom of the body: what is nurturing it, what is harming it and what it needs to heal.

It is not only about the physical body.

It is about aspects that affect the body too. It is holistic: mind, body and soul.

If we can tap into body consciousness, we can work with body consciousness to guide us to peace, fulfilment, purpose, connection with our higher source and inner love.

We connect truly and purely with universal love and our divineness.

Health vs unhealth?

When we experience health, we are in a space of alignment. There is a strong balance within each cell, organ or system. 

This is a natural state of the body and, as mentioned above, where the body wants to be.

When we experience unhealth, we experience an imbalance within the body, organs and systems. 

As the body naturally wants to be in balance, there is a cause that is causing it to become unbalanced and keeping it in this space. There is an underlying core reason, message and healing protocol.

Root cause

More importantly, symptoms are warning flags, saying, “something is not right”. 

But these are isolated symptoms without explanation and are not always pinpointing what is going on and what is causing the red flag.

Nor are they the same in every person. Similar symptoms can mean different things to different people.

And symptoms are puzzle pieces without the whole puzzle. Our idea of the pieces can differ greatly from knowing the completed puzzle.

Body consciousness gets to the deeper reason beyond the symptoms, the whole reason for disease.

How does it work?

Body conscious healing works through a combination of different elements.

It begins with an intake session. This would be an initial appointment to get an understanding of your history, health problems, current diet, lifestyle, medications and general functioning.

It then moves into the energetic health assessment. This is a combination of a diagnostic healing tool as well as my expertise as a medical intuitive, where I can scan the body energetically, checking out the organs and their overall functioning, how the energy is doing, if there is flow and if there are blocks. I can see where the cause of that block is coming from. I connect with body consciousness to explore this deeper.


Body Consciousness offers healing on many different levels. It draws on my expertise, studies and my own health journey to find health, healing and balance.

It is also an intuitive practice so is guided to a unique combination and method of these techiques.

Body Healing

Plant-Based Lifestyle

A plant-based lifestyle is the biggest new trend that is here to last. 

Michael Greger, a leading and renowned physician shares mind blowing research relating to health. 

“Researchers have shown that a more plant-based diet may help prevent, treat, or reverse some of our leading causes of death, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Plant-based diet intervention groups have reported greater diet satisfaction than control groups, as well as improved digestion, increased energy, and better sleep, and significant improvement in their physical functioning, general health, vitality, and mental health. Studies have shown plant-based eating can improve not only body weight, blood sugar levels, and ability to control cholesterol, but also emotional states, including depression, anxiety, fatigue, sense of well-being, and daily functioning.”

This is what healing through body consciousness draws on.

Earth-Aligned Lifestyle

There is so much magic in living a lifestyle that is aligned with our earth.

So many products we bring into our space can be full of toxins and unnatural chemicals. Once we can embrace natural remedies, herbs and gentleness, we can find health as well as freedom and purpose. 

By nurturing the earth, we can start feeling the earth nurturing us.

Mind and Emotion Healing

There are many techniques one can draw on to start balancing the mind and emotions. Here are a few that may be included.

  • Gratitude
  • Affirmations
  • Coaching
  • Shadow Work
  • Relationship around food and Nurturing

Soul Healing

Soul healing is about raising vibrations, becoming more in tune with your intuition and aligning with your purpose. These are solid foundations in your health journey.

These may include:

  • Plant Energetics (Connecting and healing with natural remedies on an energetic level )
  • Reiki
  • Crystals

Body consciousness Healing Programs

You would book a once-off consultation where you can focus on a core level. You can message me here to customise your healing.

Or you can book an intensive program where all these layers are focused on, offering deep and powerful transformation. 

These programs would help you on your health journey to:

The power of body consciousness

Healing through body consciousness is a valuable and powerful tool to guide you into connecting with your body consciousness within yourself.  It offers to heal at the source. It helps you connect with your intuition, allowing you to understand yourself on a deeper level.

The deeper you can go, the deeper you can understand and find health. You can learn to naturally tap into this wisdom and provide nurturing and natural medicine to your body. 


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Are you ready to embrace your highest self and align your mind, body, and soul through a personalized coaching plan tailored just for you?

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