Shed and Shift

What is holistic health?

Holistic Health Care

So many of you may have stumbled on this blog looking for more information about holistic health care. You may have mild imbalances, have a chronic illness, feel not quite healthy or are just curious, because, face it, health is the most important gift we can experience. You are wanting to be and feel healthy. You would like to explore a different approach to get there: an alternative to the traditional health care model. You may want to find optimum health, transformative healing or just educate yourself so you can take your power back and embrace your health in abundance. In this blog, we will give you guidance in finding these answers. We will be exploring an alternative approach: a holistic health model so you can finally find your balance and peace.

What is holistic health?

Holistic health is a comprehensive and individualistic approach to attaining optimum health. In the traditional healthcare model, the focus is on disease, illness and conventional medicine which is there to offer an immediate reduction in symptoms without healing the root cause. This is important and has its place. If you have a chronic illness, it is very important to get those symptoms under control. However, as needed as this approach is, it is a fix. And it has consequences. It is not the cure. It is taking a wound and putting a band-aid over it. Needed yes but the wound still needs to heal. To heal the wound, or any imbalance within the body, at a deep level at the core, comes through body consciousness. Through listening to what is going on and what is needed. And this is where holistic health comes into play.

Holistic Health is not new

Many may think of holistic health as being new age and a relatively modern concept but this is not so. Holistic healing, and specifically natural healing., has been around for a long time, really since the beginning. Before traditional medicine, healing came through a very different model to what we are used to in conventional medicine. It was about seeing a person in a holistic model and using natural treatments such as food and herbs for healing.

Holistic healing perspective

Holistic health care focuses on health and natural healing methods. As a medical intuitive and holistic health healer, I see clients as healthy already. Holding this energetic space, we can start raising them to this point through alternative medicine or complementary therapy. Holistic health care, as mentioned before, focuses on the individual. It views a person as unique. Their symptoms are unique to them, experienced in a personal way, and so the treatment should be adapted to the uniqueness of the person.

Mind, Body And Soul

Holistic means treating a person as a whole. Just not one-sided. People are complex. They are both body, mind, emotions and soul. These aspects all interact with one another. All of these are needed to be treated in the holistic healthcare model to assist on the journey to optimum health.

What does holistic healing look like?

Holistic therapy is not a diet, a treatment or even a diagnosis. Holistic Health is a lifestyle. It is bringing love, nurturing and healthy habits into our life that feel good and natural to use. That brings more meaning, fulfilment and health. It is about enhancing our life.

Root cause of disease

Holistic healing gets to the root cause of what is going on. It is not just seeing a symptom and putting a plaster on it. Holistic healing will explore why the wound happened. What physical, emotional or energetic aspects came into play to lead to this imbalance. It will then explore treatment. How can the wound heal quicker? How can we prevent scaring? How can we prevent it from happening again? What does it need to heal? What physical, emotional or mental aspects do we need to heal to find balance and wholeness again? These are the questions that would come up in a holistic healing session.

Holistic lifestyle

A holistic lifestyle is a journey, where one embraces all aspects of health, mind body and soul on their wellness journey. It is about shifting all these aspects so one can feel freedom, peace, calmness, health, joy and nurturing.

Alternative Medicine

Holistic health is not a treatment plan. Although many can use it in this way. It is known as complementary, alternative or preventative medicine as the point of it is to enhance one’s life naturally and continuously. Who wouldn’t want continuous love and nurturing on a daily basis? This is found in a holistic lifestyle.

Holistic Vs Conventional?

As mentioned above, holistic health is complementary to conventional treatment. If you have something minor, such as allergies or mild anxiety or disconnect from life, an alternative approach can be extremely helpful. If you have a chronic illness, such as cancer, major depression or are not functioning, conventional medication can be used and speak to a health care provider about this. This can be a doctor or homeopath.  This is the band-aid which may allow healing but the root cause is deeper. To speed the process, alternative medicine can be invaluable in healing. In fact, there are many cases in which alternative medicine can heal chronic illnesses without the side effects of conventional medications.
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