Life Path
Life Path: Your Unique Soul’s Journey
Life Path: Your Unique Soul’s Journey is encapsulated in your fingerprints.
Many people have heard of the mind-body link. This is something I focus on strongly in my sessions. Our mind, energy, emotions…all of it affects health.
Moreover, it also affects our bodies. Our bodies become a reflection of this complex interaction of energy.
This manifests into physical form. If we can learn the language of this physical form, we can learn to understand how it is made up. We can understand ourselves better. We can heal. This is how one of the most
ancient and powerful of healing techniques, Ayurveda, works.
Bearing this complex interaction in mind, about how our bodies are a representation of our mind, body and soul energy, let us now move on to a specific focus: fingerprints.
Here are some things to know about fingerprints:
- Each fingerprint contains a unique combination of ridges, lines and swirls that create a beautiful pattern that makes it unique.
- Fingerprints are the same from birth until death…unless we use corrosive chemicals and try to sand them off.
- Identical twins make look identical (or to those who don’t know them) but their fingerprints are unique to each of them.
- And, the exception…people without fingerprints. There is a certain genetic diseases, called adermatoglyphia, that can make people be born without fingerprints.
So fingerprints can be called your personal soul branding and offers your soul’s journey. It is something that only defines you, something that no one on the entire planet can replicate. Isn’t that just so incredible?
So for those who doubt yourself, your purpose, that you are capable, that you are worthy, who feel they don’t have space on this earth..reread the last paragraph then look at the tips of your fingers. This is your soul branding manifested. This is your life path.
Because your fingerprints tell you otherwise. They bring you a message: you are unique. You were created with a unique life path. This means you have a unique purpose. This purpose you were created for and are born to do.
How can I do this?
- Find your mission (which our fingerprints have told us is there)
- Pursue it (wait for it…)
Fingerprints even give us a lesson on how to go about this.
Fingerprints are formed in the womb. They come about through genetics. They come about through struggle. The skin has many layers. As the fetus strains and grows and moves, these layers stretch and snag on one another. This includes skin, muscle, blood vessels and fat. But ultimately, it is the skin, that forms the fingerprints. As the skins’ different layers grow at different rates, this can be quite the battle. They pull and strain and eventually they form something unique and beautiful: you and your personal branding.
So no, our fingerprints, tell us, this won’t be easy. There will be challenges. But the challenges will help us grow and become stronger. They will help us be ready and capable to do what needs to be done. The thing that needs to be done in only the way we do can do it.
So as we can see, this unique combination of personality, soul, emotions, mental and physical makeup, just like the mind-body link, gives us a deep message directly from our soul.
That the rewards, fulfillment and satisfaction will be positively life-changing. As that is what happens when we live in alignment with our soul.
I would love to know:
What is your personal soul branding: Do you know your purpose?
Spend some time reflecting on your branding and then move to the next article: