Feel unhealthy? Healing Mind, body and spirit connection is the solution to overall health
If you are feeling unhealthy, healing the mind, body and spirit connection is the solution to overall health, wellness and healing.
Although it may seem like something radical, one of those hippie, new age concepts, perhaps a little alien and distant from the traditional health care model that we are all used to, this is not so.
It has a long history. It has been around for over 5000 years, originating from the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, who birthed our health care system as we know it today. He emphasised that a holistic model is the basis for health. And we are now returning back to this model.
But until we return to our roots, it may seem a little foreign. It has been a long time since we have connected with this basis for the holistic health model and connected with our core self, and so it has been forgotten intellectually so it is not fully understood.
Yet our body knows. It is our reality and what we experience during our everyday lives: this constant interplay between mind, body and soul, each feeding one another and creating our overall health. We are just not aware of it.
By embracing this beautiful wisdom, and finding healing through these aspects of mind, body and soul, you can find greater balance and well-being.
In this blog, let us explore more about what mind, body and soul mean.
Mind, body, and spirit connection
We are not just a body. We are a complex, multi-dimensional being. We have a body, mind, and soul. These aspects are individual yet they also feed one another.
Here are some everyday experiences that show how they interconnect and play off each other. This will help to understand the mind, body and soul connection.
You know how when kids get so stressed about school that they complain about tummy aches? Or when you feel the emotion of anger, it has a direct impact on your body and your blood pressure increases? Or when you are walking in nature, there is a deep sense of peace, oneness and alignment?
These are the physical manifestation of examples that shows the complexity of each of these aspects, how they impact one another, and how they can contribute to overall wellness or unhealth.
This is the power of the mind, body and soul.
This is why a holistic approach to well-being is so essential and powerful in healing.
If you balance the body, but one of the other aspects is out of alignment, it will be challenging to reclaim your health. It may put your body back into a state of imbalance.
Yet, if you can find healing at the root cause of what is causing the dis-ease, or heal all three levels, then you can find overall health.
This alignment is priceless. When you can find an alignment with the three aspects of health, you have a beautiful gift. A gift to create abundant overall health, create harmony and deep love within.
A holistic approach is the solution to health.
What does mind, body, and soul mean?
A human being, or an animal for that matter, is not just a mass of cells. It is a complex conscious being with an interplay between these aspects.
The concept of mind, body and soul is talking about three aspects within us: the aspect of a physical body, one of a mind and one of a soul. It means that there is a connection between these aspects, an interactive relationship.
It is about understanding ourselves as a whole conscious being: that includes how our body functions, what thoughts are going on, what dreams we have, how connected we are and more that are all held together through the body mind and soul connection, impacting and shifting. Through this perspective and understanding, we can use this as a basis for self-development and attaining overall health on a deeper level.
You do not only deserve to feel healthy and energized, but also to feel joy, fulfilment and love.
This is the focus on a holistic healing plan.
Body and Health
Our body is the divine container that houses the soul and essence within this physical world. It carries you through life and allows you to experience the world and its pleasures through the five senses.
What is a healthy body?
A healthy body is one that supports you fully in your daily living. It gives you strength and energy.
It allows you to be productive in the day and do what needs to be done.
A healthy body starts with feeding the body goodness.
According to the body conscious healing modality, this includes plant-based nutrition, exercise and an earth-aligned lifestyle. It is about limiting the toxins we allow in the body, by using natural products while giving the body the strength to handle some too, as our inner goddess likes nurturing.
Mind and Health
The mind is about your thoughts. It is what you focus on during the day. This may be conscious, what we are aware of, but there are many unconscious thoughts that goes on in the mind.
Our thoughts govern us. They are the foundation for our beliefs, how we view ourselves, and our health and even create our reality. Our thoughts are what lead to actions.
These thoughts are created from birth, society and more.
When thoughts are healthy, we experience health. When they are created from fear it can negatively impact our health.
what is a Healthy Mind
A healthy mind is about having healthy thoughts.
These thoughts are the basics for creating your reality. They give you clarity, focus, clear decision making, improve memory and feed into our emotions, allowing for peace, acceptance and calmness within your day.
Body conscious healing modality can draw on many different areas to promote a healthy mind.
One of them is meditation. This is why meditation is so very powerful. Through meditating, we learn to meet our thoughts and transform them into ones that nourish our mind and therefore our overall health.
A healthy mind is also nourished through feeding the brain. Through a balanced and healthy diet and lifestyle. It is also through shadow work and coaching.
Spirit and Health.
Your soul can be a bit more difficult to grasp.
Your soul is the consciousness, the awareness, within you. It is the spark of light that gives you, who you are, an awareness within this life.
What is a healthy spirit?
So the soul is perfect. It can never be unhealthy or damaged in any way.
It can, however, be disconnected from source and your true authentic self. When you find a connection between soul, source and your purpose then you experience soul health.
And does it feel amazing! There is a feeling of oneness, empowerment, joy and love guiding your thoughts, compassion action and life.
This is not to say things are perfect however when navigating from this mindset reality starts shifting into this space.
Body conscious healing uses many different energetically balance ways to promote a healthy soul. This can include reiki, crystals, kabbalistic healing, energy healing and plant energetics.
The solution to finding balance in mind, body, and soul
If you are looking for the solution to attaining health, finding freedom in your body, calmness in your mind and fulfilment in your soul, being happy and vibrant and sharing your beautiful light with the world, then mind body and soul connection is the way to go.
It is the quickest way to attain the best version of you and will transform your life in a massive way.
If you would like to find your solution to health, book a session here.