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What is a Pet medical intuitive?

Medical Intuitive for pets

One of the most common priorities for any pet lover and carer is making sure their pet is healthy, happy and comfortable.

And so these questions arise: how does the pet companion feel? Are they in pain? Are they happy? What can I do to help them feel better?

Is it even possible to know?

The answer: Yes, it is.

A pet medical intuitive can help you connect deeper with your pet and give you these answers.

In this blog, we will explore how an intuitive animal healing can be an invaluable tool in the well-being of your pet.

What is pet medical intuition?

Pet medical intuition, otherwise known as pet medical medium or pet medical psychic, is an ability to access your pet’s well-being on a deep level.

It is medical in that it connects with the body and accesses health within the animal.

But it does not do this through conventional means that we are used to: through consults, tests and science.

It happens through a sixth sense and deep intuitive knowledge.

What is an animal medical intuitive?

An animal medical intuitive forms part of the alternative or complementary medicine modalities.

As mentioned above, the assessment is through less conventional and scientific means, and so it is not a set diagnosis.

This applies to the treatment plan too. It is often not a conventional treatment plan.

I call treatment plans healing plans. They are often holistic, natural, non-invasive and is aimed at not only promoting health but also preventing illness from manifesting in the body.

In my healing plans, they are often based on energetics and the relationship between the animal and his or her companion.

Animal Body Consciousness Energetics

The body is a fascinating and complex organism.

It stores bits of information as it goes through life. This is information on survival, pleasure, memories, emotions, past lives, genetic coding and so much more.

This information can be positive and this contributes to health.

If it is negative, the opposite happens.

For example, a dog gets attacked by another dog as a puppy and now feels threatened and in danger. To protect itself, its; body stress vital information:  it associates dogs with pain and danger. This means when they see another dog, they feel triggered, in danger and want to attack to keep themselves safe. It causes stress within them. Which leads to IBS and digestive problems. This traumatic incident has manifested as a disease but the root cause is the attack, it is still stored in the body. Through body conscious energetics, I can start connecting to this and releasing it.

When is Medical Intuitive needed?

Traditionally, animal medical intuitive sessions are invaluable in cases where the root cause of a disease is unknown.

It is when a pet comes down with an illness and the vet cannot find where it is coming from.

A medical intuitive can come in at this point and assess the body and see what is causing the disease.

In my case, I work on a different level. I  work with body conscious healing energetics that goes deeper.

It not only assesses physical imbalances; it also assesses mental, emotional, behavioural or spiritual imbalances.

It is also great for preventing disease. Or for general maintenance.

Here is a list that it can be adapted to 14 situations to book an pet healing session

Pet Mind, Body And Soul

Pets are not just composed of a physical body.

There is a complex interaction of emotion, behavioural, mental, spirit and genetic conditions that interplay.

In addition, pets sometimes take on their guardian’s imbalances to help them in the same manner as we take care of them.

So when a pet is sick, it can be from a complex interaction of the above.

These layers can be accessed from a medical intuitive perspective, in that it is not just healing the symptom. But getting to the root for long-term healing.

When healing needs to be done, it is very important to access all the layers, get to the root and heal it on the level that it is needed.

Medical Intutiive for Maintenance

Although it is great to have a focused imbalance to work with, it is also very powerful to have a medical intuitive session as maintenance.

Often during these sessions, you can heal aspects before they become a physical disease in the body.

You can also get to deeper causes that impact one’s life without one realizing it.

Pet medical Intuitive

What do I do as a pet medical Intutiive?

As a medical intuitive for pets, it is not my role to diagnose or give conventional treatment plans.

It is my role to connect with the pet, access their energy and put together a healing plan through energetics that is in alignment with the pet’s wishes.

It is my role to convey any messages from the pet to the guardian as an animal communicator.

It is my role to bring these pieces together to provide healing for both the animal and guardian and to strengthen the bond

How does a pet medical intuitive session work?

A pet medical intuitive session begins with an intake where I will get a picture of your pet looking straight at the camera. I will also get information about your pet’s holistic health: diet, lifestyle, behaviour, family members, and potential problems that may be arising.

I then connect with your pet energetically through the photo.

I have a chat with your pet. As an animal empath, I can feel what is going on in their bodies; whether it be pain, tension or any emotions that they are holding onto.

I then use the body conscious healing system to scan and identify the root cause or causes that are going on: mind, body, spirit or ancestral.

Once I have a deeper understanding. I will then put together a specialised healing plan.

This will involve energy work such as reiki or crystal healing

It may involve deeper trauma release.

It may be around lifestyle or even pet family intervention.

I will then reconnect with your animal through animal communication, send the healing and see what messages should occur with the guardian.

I will then set up a call or email to convey any messages or give some tips on how best to understand and sometimes handle our animal people in a way that makes more sense to them.

What to Expect During a Session

  • Body Scan of any imbalances, whether it be mind, body, soul, genetic or spirit.
  • A healing session of the blocks
  • Any messages from your animal
  • Animal Reflection Healing Coaching

Can Medical Intuitive Session Be done distantly?

Yes, they are energy based and that energy can be connected distantly.

All I will need is a picture, your animal’s name and some information of what is going on from your point of view.

Although this information is not necessary, it is valuable in improving and understanding the relationship between you and your animal companion at a soul level.

I will then connect with your animal distantly and do the body scan and healing.

How to Prepare for a Medical Intuitive Session

To prepare for the session is it recommended to write down a list of questions, or concerns that you would like to address in the session.

This can be physical, mental, mental, behaviour or any sort of imbalance.

Animal Medical Intuitive Benefits

Medical Intutiive has many different benefits.

These can range from:

  • Managing chronic illness symptoms
  • Acute imbalance healing
  • Relief of Pain
  • Emotional comfort and healing
  • Meeting the deep desire of the animal to be heard and understood.
  • Behavioural healing and redirecting
  • Trauma release
  • Raising holistic well-being
  • Preventing of disease
  • Relaxation and stress reduction
  • Enhance the healing process from surgery or illness.
  • Promoting overall health and wellness
  • Assist in the process when moving over the rainbow bridge.

Animal Healing

How many Sessions are needed?

The number of sessions needed is dependent on the animal and what they are dealing with.

For chronic illness, weekly sessions can be useful.

For maintenance, a session every 3 months can help to keep the animal healthy.

Are there guarantees?

From a physical perspective, no.

Animals have their own soul journey and I am here to support them in it.

There may be lessons in disease for them, for their guardian or they may be ready to pass over.

Book A Medical Intuitive Session

Are you ready to book a medical intutiive session?

You can book your consult here: Sign Up Here

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