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Reclaim your inner child's voice: A Guide to Healing and Understanding

Listening to Your Inner Child

As humans, we navigate the complexities of life in the here and now, but the present is not the whole of who we are, it is just a snapshot of a larger and incomplete picture. Beneath the surface of our daily lives lies a profound aspect of our being – the inner child.

In this space, are the echoes of our past: the memories, experiences, and emotions that shape who we are today.

Within this sacred space, wounds may linger –wounds that stem from unmet needs and unresolved emotions. These wounds frequently show themselves in ways we may not be consciously aware of.

In this blog, we are going to dive into the areas of neglect and silence, exploring the depths of these wounds that linger within us. Until we confront them, they persist as silent companions, influencing our day-to-day existence.

The focus here is on the unattended wounds, the scars left by neglect and silence. Recognizing and addressing these wounds is an essential first step on the path to self-awareness and recovery, not merely an exercise in self-reflection. Though hidden, the ignored and suppressed parts of our inner kid undoubtedly influence our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Our exploration aims to shed light on the significance of addressing these wounds.

They are not mere aspects of the past; they are living parts of us that continue to shape our reality. By delving into the heart of our inner child’s pain, we open the door to a profound self-discovery journey that can lead to healing and transformation.

Tuning into our inner child is an avenue to unearth a gift of wisdom and understanding. This untapped resource has the power to enrich our lives, providing insights that guide us toward authenticity and fulfilment.

reclaim your inner childs' voice

Unmet Needs and Overlooked Desires Of Your Inner Child

Meet Nancy, a beautiful and intelligent woman with dreams of her ideal future. She hopes to marry a man who will love her and have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. She also dreams of having a rewarding work where she can make a significant impact as a therapist.

However, in spite of how desperarely she wants her dreams to come true, Nancy finds herself caught in a a depressing cycle where she feels its never going to happen. While everyone else seems to be easily
fulfilling their ambitions, she remains stuck, overlooked, and unheard. The play out as expected: she spends weeks practising the ideal speech in her head before a crucial work meeting when a promotion is at stake, only to find herself unable to express her qualities when the time comes. In her relationship, rather than voicing her needs during a disagreement, she gives in to avoid conflict. Even among friends, her desires and feelings seem to fade into the background, never fully acknowledged. Her needs and feelings are never completely addressed.

The result?

Nancy feels helplessness, undervalued, and at times, downright worthless. In the hustle and bustle of life, her core needs and desires go unheard, leaving her isolated in her struggle.

Can you relate to Nancy’s story? The feeling of being overshadowed, the frustration of unmet needs, and the silent battle against worthlessness might resonate with many of us.

integrating into your adult self

Tracing Childhood
Wounds of Not Being Heard

At the core of Nancy’s struggles and perhaps yours too, lies a deep wound—one that often traces its roots back to childhood— the agony of not being heard. This formative event might appear in a variety of ways and leave a lasting impression on our emotional terrain.

Picture this: the sensation of pouring your heart out to someone, only to feel like your words vanish into thin air. It’s the frustration of having your ideas or opinions brushed aside, as if they carry no weight. The wound of not being listened to might manifest in the subtle discomfort of never being given a chance to express your thoughts or feelings, a silence that echoes louder than words.

Nancy’s troubles, and maybe yours as well, stem from a deep wound that typically dates back to childhood: the agony of not being heard. This formative event might appear in a variety of ways and leave a lasting impression on our inner emotional world

Imagine speaking, only to be talked over or interrupted consistently, your voice drowned out by the louder voices of others. It’s the annoyance of having your thoughts or beliefs dismissed as meaningless. The subtle discomfort of never being given the opportunity to voice your opinions or feelings—a silence that speaks louder than words—can be a sign that you have not been listened to.

Even if each of these events seems little on their own, they all come together to create overwhelming mental pain. One’s sense of self-worth can be steadily undermined over time by the accumulation of frustration, rage, and hurt resulting from not being acknowledged. This persistent neglect can lead to poor self-esteem if left unchecked. in addition to a strong feeling of disempowerment.

Breaking the Cycle of Silence

Now that we’ve illuminated the pervasive issue of not being listened to, the question arises: can it be healed? The resounding answer is absolutely

This pattern often originates in early life, where the foundational lessons of being heard and valued were absent. It’s possible that you were never shown the value of speaking up for yourself and the associated power that comes when you express yourself. You may not have been shown what is it like to have your ideas acknowledged or your needs and wants considered.

Somewhere along your journey, you might have unintentionally silenced your own voice, forgetting the art of speaking up. The good news is that this cycle can be broken, and healing can begin.

Compassionate Listening To Your Inner Child

Imagine taking on the role of a compassionate parent to your inner child. It starts with a simple yet profound act: listening. Pay attention to the
whispers of your inner child, acknowledging the feelings, thoughts, and desires that may have long been ignored. By reconnecting with this neglected aspect of yourself, you initiate a process of healing.

Unlearning your patterns of silence and embracing the power of self-expression are necessary steps on the path to regaining your voice. Begin by giving voice to your own experiences and letting yourself be heard, even if it’s just in your own head. This practice eventually spreads outside of you as you gain
the confidence to express your needs, wants, and ideas in your interactions with other people.

strategies for healing your inner child

Strategies for Inner Child Healing 

Now that we know how important it is to listen to our inner child, let’s explore strategies for starting this incredibly therapeutic and self-discovering journey:

Creating A Quiet Space

Begin by setting aside dedicated time each day for stillness and reflection. In this quiet space, pay attention to your breathing and let ideas and feelings come to you without restriction. The voice of your inner child may start to emerge as you become comfortable in this calm setting, speaking ideas
and emotions that have long been waiting to be acknowledged.

Recognizing Critic and People Pleasing Voices

If you listen carefully, you may be able to distinguish between different inner child voices. We will touch on two common ones although there are many out there. The “critic” voice may be harsh and judgmental, while the “pleaser” voice tends to prioritize others over yourself. Approach these voices with compassion and curiosity, avoiding the temptation to silence or ignore them.

Responding with Compassion

Show compassion and understanding when your inner child starts speaking. Provide a safe area where the stated feelings may be acknowledged and heard. For example, when the critic voice says you’re not good enough, tell them you’re still improving and learning.

Taking Action

In addition to compassion, take proactive steps
based on your inner child’s needs. If the critic voice expresses feelings of inadequacy, counteract it by recognizing your strengths and setting achievable goals. For the pleaser voice, establish healthy boundaries and prioritize your own needs.

listening to your inner child

Observing Inner Change

As you continue this process, you’ll observe inner change in the voices of your inner child. The critic may soften, becoming more supportive, while the pleaser might gain assertiveness and confidence. These shifts indicate progress and healing and opens the door for your true self to show through.

Integrating into Your Adult Self

The ultimate goal is to integrate the qualities of playfulness, wonder, and curiosity associated with childhood into your adult life. Embrace your inner kid and bring wonder into your life by finding delight in the little things in life and trying new things just for fun.

Allow Your Inner Child to be Heard

As you navigate this journey of self-discovery and healing, you’ll witness a powerful shift in your world. By truly listening and pay attention to your inner childs needs, you’ll learn to use your voice
and develop a profound connection with your authentic self. This process is not just about healing wounds but about reclaiming the joy and wonder that make life truly fulfilling. Embrace the journey and let your inner child’s transformation lead you to a life where you can fully express your innermost being and it is valued, heart, love and respected in turn.


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