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Steps to Manifestation


How can I consciously create a life that is beneficial for my mind, body and soul? So here is the situation: I know myself. I know my strengths. I have amazing skills. I know what I enjoy. But… I do not feel fulfilled. The work I am doing just isn’t making me happy. I feel there is something more, maybe something deeper I could do. I want meaning in what I do. I want to make an impact on the world around me. My response: that is amazing. You are already halfway there. Knowing yourself is a key component to being able to manifest what you need. The next challenge is putting this into practical terms. How does one do this? Take a step back and breathe. The steps to manifesting start here. Being within the physical world, creating our dreams, we need an integration of mind, body and soul. But before that, before we can get to this point, we need to go to a different level. Passion, meaning, fulfillment; it doesn’t come from our head. Our thoughts do not give us meaning, they bridge the gap between meaning and processing it into reality. It doesn’t come from our heart. Our emotions. Joy does tell us we experiencing meaning but emotions help us navigate the path to finding meaning. Passion doesn’t come from the physical world. The physical world is how we create meaning from spirit in the physical. Meaning comes from our soul, our essence. It is a higher calling. It is an inner knowing that deeply connects with us otherwise known as intuition. It is a spark that cannot be contained within the physical; it is beyond time and space. There are no limits to possibilities. It needs freedom from limiting beliefs, heavy emotions and social conditioning. It needs space, stillness and trust. Once we can truly connect with this, with our soul, the ideas will come. Then we can integrate mind, body and emotions to bring them into manifestation.

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