What is energy healing? What does being an energy healer entail
Understanding Energy
When understanding energy, there are many different interpretations.
This may be because energy can be perceived and utilized in many different scenarios.
For example, when I say “energy”, what comes to mind for you?
If you are scientifically minded, you may think of electrical charges and electrical equipment.
Others may think of energy as related to our mental energy; to our thoughts and the mind. It may relate to our cognitive abilities; to focusing and to thought processing.
Or you may focus on the physical aspects around energy; related to the body: about the food, exercise and nourishment with which we sustain the body so we can be in optimum health and have the energy to live our lives to the full.
All of these are applicable and relate to energy.
Mainly because they are governed by the same thing at its essence: energy is at the core of everything.
What is energy?
To answer this, let us get back to basics and explore what is energy. Let us review our high school science.
Energy can be thought of as the ability to work.
Work can be thought of as the transfer of energy from one form to another.
Since energy can come in many different forms; potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or others; work is the ability to move this energy from one form to another form.
And the last important principle to keep in mind when understanding energy is the following: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It just exists. It is constant. It is forever changing form.
Let us put this into practice with some examples:
The sun has energy. This energy shines down onto the earth. The energy is then absorbed by a tree and converted into plant food that sustains the tree. If the tree does not get this energetic fuel or for another reason, it may die then it decomposes. This energetic fuel is then transferred into the earth; which in turn is absorbed by roots of other trees as nourishment. And this energetic cycle starts again.
When we eat food, the food is broken down, stored then changed into kinetic energy which embraces the potential that allows us to think, work and function.
It may be channelled into the neurotransmitters in the brain which promotes cognitive abilities. Or into our muscles to allow movement.
This creates a self-regulating system that can fuel itself through the changing of energy and allows us to function at our maximum.
The way energy naturally works to sustain life is incredible.
But so are humans. Humans have embraced these energy principles and have created.
Through these principles, we have utilised our potential as innate creators and our incredible cognitive capacity to create amazing things.
We have made life much more beautiful as well as simpler. We don’t need to light a candle, we can just touch a button and we have electricity and light our houses in the darkest hours.
We don’t have to walk to where we want to get, which can take a long time. Specifically (as a fun fact): since the earth is around 25,000 miles in circumference, and people walk about 3 miles an hour, it can take 8,300 hours of walking. That is almost 335 days of non-stop walking to walk around the earth.
Through the understanding of energy, humans have mastered the creation of cars and aeroplanes, which can reduce travelling times drastically. Removing the minor inconvenience of obstacles such as oceans, volcanos and other natural sceneries that become a hindrance in these endeavours, it would take around 415 hours (around 17 days). That is a saving of 318 days.
This is not something I would recommend you try.
The point is humans have an incredible innate ability to create and build. It comes through the understanding of energy.
Ok, so now we have had a science lesson, and a bit of a digression of useless information, now what?
As An Energy Healer
These principles are not different from what I do as an energy healer.
I just work on a different and deeper level.
Beyond what is physically seen and scientifically recorded (research is still catching up).
There is a driving force beyond this physical earth and what humans can see. Just watch how your dog knows there is a strange dog walking past the gate minutes before either of you can see or hear the other dog. Or how a cat knows when their guardians, or slaves, are coming home and waiting by the door. This is energy, a force that is being guided, beyond what humans can perceive.
Some may think of this force as a higher power; the universe, consciousness, spirituality or more.
What does being an energy healer entail?
As an energy healer, I connect to this energy and guiding force on a deeper level.
I have been trained, as an energy healer, to perceive this energy and things that are beyond the physical.
I realize, just like science, that energy is a driving force that allows work.
I know that there are different types of energy.
I understand that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transmuted.
What does being an energy healer mean?
Being an energy healing, allows me to see things beyond the physical. I can see the bigger picture from a soul perspective. I can understand this energy.
Just like humans have created amazing technology through understanding energy, I have learnt to “manipulate” this energy , just as a scientist would. I do this in a loving way to enhance the soul and human experience.
I can help fix any “electrical circuit malfunctions “. I can remove those energetic blocks and allow the circuits to run smoothly. This block may be a fear that is holding you back from taking a step in pursuing your dream. I can remove this energetic fear, so things flow and you can freely start building the foundation for your dream life.
I am also able to divert them, create new circuitry, and by doing so create whole new equipment. Through energy healing, I can align the energy into other directions. One may be sitting in a job that isn’t fulfilling and wants to get out but has a family to support. I can help align a new pathway to the circuitry, that of a new job, that is fulfilling and pays the bills. This translates into a whole new life.
I can also channel this energy when the power supply to the circuitry is running low, reinfusing it with a new and sustaining current. When someone is feeling depressed and unmotivated, I can channel energy to get them moving and lift their spirits.
As an energy healing, I can embrace these principles and enhance peoples lives.
What has energy ?
Everything has energy (I’ll avoid the science lecture here about vacuums.)
Humans, animals, plants and the planet, spaces, objects and more.
How does energy healing affect energy ?
I will focus on the energetic beings I help, as well as aspects that affect them, in explaining how energy healing affects energy.
On a physical level, organs and the body vibrate with a frequency. I help to balance the physical body and attain health.
Emotions have energy. I help to recircuit the emotions to those that are more balanced.
Thoughts have energy. I can help to fous those thoughts in clarity.
But energy healing also goes deeper. We are always giving off energy. And so spaces pick this energy up. I do energy healing for spaces. You can try this process here: Animal Space Clearing.
And objects have and hold energy. Chairs, beds, couches, clothes; all hold on to the energy. Have you ever gone into an antique store and felt an energy of a really old object?
Energy is also a consciousness. When a mass of thought of many people is sent out, it becomes energy that affects everyone. Just look at the covid and how quickly the panic spread until it embraced the entire planet.
This consciousness is not only in the present, it also filters from the past too. Houses that may be “haunted”, have residual energy of past experiences and people, from 100s, or more, years ago.
And conscious energy is also passed along the bloodline, from our parents and grandparents, in our genes and to us. This is why addiction often runs in families. As do creative talents.
We will go into different energies in further blogs but these are the conscious beings and areas that I work on healing with.
Who can benefit from energy healing?
Everyone that has energy can can benefit. That includes you.
Whether it is humans, animals, planets, consciousness, spaces: everything can use a rewriting of their circuit and flow, as life can cause stress and affect their flow.
Learn some more about energy here: What Everyone Needs To Know About Energy Healing
Humans, plants and animals are my focus. And aspects around them: I help to energetically heal consciousness or spaces that people are in.